| WhatsApp: + 359 877 040 076 info@rwi-ltd.com

How to buy

TRADING rules rwi-ltd

Dealing with us is easy

In order to get professionally customized support, send us your enquiry clearly defining quality data (specifications, techinal data sheets, SEM/TEM, etc). Our service managers will study carefully your enquiry, contact you for clarifications, if any, and offer the proper option.

Our service managers will be at your disposal every time the entire contract itinerary long. The overall scheme RWI LTD processes the incoming enquiries is as shown below:

Services RWI LTD

To sum up, the procedure is as follows:

1. Send us the name of the product and provide us with its detailed specifications.

2. Clearly define your order quantity, packing details requirements, if any, terms of your preferable payment.

3. Advise us about terms of delivery, namely, how soon you need your order to be delivered and indicate the place of delivery.

Get In Touch

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Phone | WhatsApp
+ 359 877 040 076



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